The Red Menace

The Red Menace
Image Copyright Publish America 2009

The Red Menace

"The Red Menace"

From the Jacket Blurb...

In the Fall of 1950, the United States entered into a conflict with aliens from an unknown world. This conflict was fought in the shadows, nobody wanting its existence to become public knowledge. At stake was the very future of humanity and its freedom from off-planet domination.

Harry Edgarton, a veteran of the Second World War, finds himself returning to his wartime duties as an Intelligence and Special Operations officer. He stumbles into alien activity and seeks out those already involved in the conflict to join their ranks. Putting together a team of military personnel, aided by the best scientists America has, Harry starts to investigate sightings of ‘flying saucers’, trying to determine what they want and how to stop them. Along the way, he must face human Quislings who have sold out humanity for a higher place in the new order to come, unimaginative law enforcement and military officials that obstruct his mission through incompetence, and the very flaws of American society and humanity itself.

Can Harry and his team, ‘Detachment Jericho’, divine the enemy’s plans in time to make a difference? Can they steal enough alien technology to give American and her Allies the weapons to keep the war from being a lopsided fiasco? Will American society as it is survive and prosper?

Coming soon to Barnes & Noble and Borders near you. (As of 6 March 2009)

I am an Author!

Well, it's taken five years to get to this point. I've revised my book no less than five times, based on input from various people, including some in the publishing industry I met at GenCon.

As it stands, I'm having to go with Publish America, a company that *does* publish books, but not in a traditional manner. I'll get a whopping $1 as an advance, to secure the contract, then for the next seven years, the book will be available on Amazon and where ever I can get a store to carry it. the only marketing that PA does is to send out review copies to certain magazines and reviewers, and press releases. Otherwise, it's print on demand and PA titles aren't stocked by mainstream book distributors.

That sucks, but it gets me an ISBN, which is a start. I will, though this blog, have discounted copies available, when the book goes to press. Right now, my book is still in the final stages of production, I'm waiting for my contract to arrive in the mail to sign it.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Ray of Hope...

These days, everybody has a "cause". I do. I have two. I help organise a blood drive at the Indianapolis GenCon and I work with the Veterans for Freedom. It's to the point that I'm really starting to annoy friends and family over the Iraq issue. But I also know when to let it go.

With the Holidays asserting themselves, It really cheers me up to see Jennifer Anniston, Antonio Banderas, and Robin Williams helping Margo Thomas continue her father's crusade for St Jude Children's Hospitals. They aren't moaning about abortion, dolphin safe tuna, the environment, or how President Bush is the AntiChrist.

They're just trying to make the lives of some very sick children a little better and, if they are lucky, a little longer. That's what makes a someone a hero.

Take a few moments, in the coming holiday season and the coming year, offer some prayers, incense, whatevery you do, for these three people that are doing something decent. They are doing something that they do *not* have to do. They are heroes.


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